Theme 3.5.3

In this update there are so-called breaking changes in two configurations. Please check these two fields briefly after the update.

The display of the gallery on the product detail page is affected by the breaking changes. The display of the product image may have changed here.

1. Checkbox Background

In this update, the background (1) checkbox has been removed. Instead, a color must be defined in the Background (3) colorpicker field, or if no color is desired, replace it with the value transparent.

2. Colorpicker background

The Background (2) colorpicker field has been given a new default value because referencing the previously defined variable $zen-product-listing-card-img-bg from Tab: General > Section: Product Images can lead to a compile error.

According to Shopware, it is not certain that previously defined variables will already exist at a later point. The order of the variables when compiling may differ from the order of defining the variables in the theme configuration.

3. Background-color overlay

You can use the new checkbox Background-color overlay (4) to control whether the background color should be overlaid on the gallery image. This setting was previously taken from the field of the same name under Tab: General > Section: Product images. Description of this functionality:

Last updated