
Wir helfen Dir. Kurzfristig und kostenlos!


If you check a few things before creating a ticket, we can address your concern more specifically in the first response. This way you will get a qualified answer to your request faster.

Read error message

In production mode, for security reasons, only general error messages are output, from which support cannot filter out any information either. So you have to make the real error message readable.

Identify theme as cause

You will effectively save your time if you make sure whether the problem is caused by the theme or another extension before creating a ticket.

Check documentation

Before you send a ticket to our support, you should check if your concern is not already explained in our documentation. In the FAQ you can find help to frequently asked questions.

Support request

To open a support ticket, please visit your Shopware Account. You can create a support ticket via Merchant area > Support. Here you will find the button "Request Support" in the upper right corner.

We often need additional information to process your request, such as the store or app version used, which we can view via the ticket system.

You can find out how to create a support ticket here:

Last updated