
Design of components, which are displayed at different places in the storefront.

Sticky (1) makes the sidebar content to be fixed. When scrolling, the contents of your sidebar will remain fixed and will not disappear. The sticky function is applied only when the sidebar content is not higher than the height of the browser viewport.

Force sticky (2): The sticky function only works if all parent elements do not use the "overflow:hidden" CSS property. There are extensions that set this property. If active, the sticky function will be enforced and all parent elements with "overflow: hidden" will be rewritten to "overflow: visible".


In addition to the usual colors, the active path (2) can also be colored. The :hover (3) colors are additionally used for the active element.

Background (1) is the general background color of a menu item. Background:active path (4) sets the color for the active item. This makes it easier for the customer to distinguish which area of which level he can navigate deeper. Background:hover (2) marks the active parent element and the mouse-over action of the current menu elements.

You can underline an active element by activating this option in the basic configuration.

Basic configuration

In addition to the font display settings, you can also specify a vertical padding (1). The vertical padding (1) determines the height of each menu item. If there are many categories, a value as small as possible should be chosen.

Through the option margin bottom (2) the individual elements can be separated from each other.

The display mode (3) determines the mode of sidebar navigation. In mode Expandable subcategories can be expanded and collapsed without changing/loading the page.

There are various options available for the Collapse icon (4). The icons are displayed as soon as the Display mode is set to Expandable.

Hover animation (5) can display an animated subline on mouse-over and active-state from the second navigation level.




Form elements are input fields, text fields or select fields. These can have a background color, a text color and a border color.

Basic configuration

With the Appearance (1) setting you can influence the global layout of form fields. Choose between the appearance with a subline or the default layout.

Floating Labels (2) lets you hide the redundant placeholder in your form fields. On input the label floats to the top.


In Shopware 6 there are different slider navigation elements. Basically, a distinction is made between the dot navigation and the arrows.

There are three main slider types:

  1. Image slider = Shopping experience element for displaying image sliders

  2. Galerie slider = Shopping experience element for displaying product images on the product detail page

  3. Produkt slider = Shopping experience element for displaying products as slider element

In addition, in most sliders you can specify whether the navigation elements should be displayed inside (on the image) or outside the image.



Image slider (Navigation mode: Outside)


Image slider (Navigation mode: Inside)


Basic configuration

The arrows (2) and dots (1) can alternatively be placed on the right side of the slider. By default, dots are located in the lower center area. The arrows are centered vertically on the left and right places.

The appearance of the dot navigation (2) can be changed from dots to bars or expanding.

(3, 4) The arrows of the sliders can be set so that they only become visible when the mouse is hovering the slider.


Produkt slider


The appearance (1) of the product slider can be set to display elements outside the active area with 50% visibility. Often this can increase the impact of the product slider and the interaction with this element.

Optionally, you can show arrow controls on mouseover only (2).




The pagination of the listing has, in addition to the usual colors, colors for the different states: :hover, :active and :disabled.

Tip: The values of the fields can be SCSS functions:

hsl(hue($sw-border-color), saturation($sw-border-color), 89%)

Here the color is defined per hsl format. The color angle and saturation of the border color are combined with a brightness of 89%.

Basic configuration

The Appearance (1) of pagination can be represented as pills and standard. Elements defined as pills have a distance to each other.

The option Hide disabled buttons (3) hides the unnecessary disabled buttons, since they are not clickable anyway. For example, if you are on page 1, the buttons for "first page" and "page forward" are superfluous.


The roundings of the pills result from the button radius from the general settings tab. For round pills your buttons must be set to round.

Breadcrumbs are an additional navigation, where the travelled path from the home page to the current page is shown. It shows the level depth in which you are.



Basic configuration

Alignment (4): Aligns breadcrumbs horizontally in the provided area. Full width (5): Breadcrumbs are based on the container width of the selected basic layout. Depending on the basic layout, you can stretch the background and the content to the full width of the browser. In the layout modes Full-Width-Boxed, Boxed and Full-Width-Header the background color extends to the edge of the browser - but not the content. Display home (6): Show or hide the "Home-link" as first element. Display 'You are here'-text (7): In addition, an introductory Text 'You are here' can be displayed. The text was implemented as a text snippet and can be changed in the administration snippet module. Top spacing (8), Bottom spacing (9): The fields define the distance of the breadcrumbs to the header as well as to the other content of the page.


How to put breadcrumbs into the category image, you will learn in the category image description.

The cookie banner can be displayed as a widget like a small banner at the bottom, as a popup in the middle of the screen or as a banner (default) at the bottom of the page.


An offcanvas element is a widget in the shop in which additional content or menus are placed outside the visible screen and made visible when necessary. In Shopware, the mobile menu and the off-canvas shopping cart are such elements.

For a special look, an Margin (1) can be defined around this off-canvas element, which sets the off-canvas element apart from the browser edges on larger devices. In addition, a Width (2) can be defined. The maximum width of the element is limited by the width of the device.


Backdrop - background overlay

A backdrop is a semi-transparent layer that lies between an modal or offcanvas and the rest of the page when using a modal or offcanvas. It serves to focus the modal or offcanvas elements and prevents users from interacting with the background of the page at the same time.

When selecting the color for the Background (1), make sure to select a partially transparent color using the color picker. The shop in the background of the element should only fade - not disappear completely.

In addition, you can choose an optional Accent color (2), which is mixed into the background color (1) using a color gradient.

The shop in the background of the popup or offcanvas can be blurred using the value in the Blur background (3) field. This further increases the focus on the foreground element.


Scroll-Up button



Basic configuration

The scroll-up button is useful, but can sometimes be overlaid with a chat button or trusted shops. Therefore you can determine the position of this button.

Use Position (1) to select the basic position of the button at the bottom of the screen. With Vertical spacing (2) and Horizontal spacing (3) you determine the distance to the edge of the screen.

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