Configuration sets

You can download all our demos as installable configuration templates. In Shopware 6 we realize this via preconfigured child themes.

You can find free Configurations-Sets of our demos under our Theme-Overview. In addition to the practical configuration template for a quick start, our child themes also include the possibility for update-safe programming in the shop. As a child theme, it is therefore a general entry point for individual adjustments apart from the configuration.

Installation & Assignment

Import preset via plugin

theme version 4.4.0 or higher | pro version

Since theme version 4.4.0, you have the option to generate a personalized child theme using our free child theme generator plugin and then import the desired demo template.

After installing the extension, navigate to Content > Themes. In the context menu of the selected theme, you can generate your personalized child theme.

Download configuration set

all pro und cloud versions

Download the desired template as a zip file on our webseite.

Navigate to the demos (1) and filter (2) on the name of the theme you purchased. Via the Download Set (3) link you can download the zip file.

Please note that the images and demo data shown in the demos are not part of the theme and templates.

Install configuration set

You can upload the configuration set in the administration under Extensions > My extensions > Upload extension (1).

The installation of the template works the same way as the purchased theme by clicking on the Install (2) link and activating it through the toggle button (3).

If you generated the child theme using our child theme generator plugin, you can import the desired template under Content > Themes with a click on your generated theme via the "Select preset" button. To do this, click on the mentioned button (1), select the desired template in the popup (2), and click on Import (3) or Import and save (4).

The child theme derives from the purchased theme. Therefore, it can only be used if the purchased theme is also installed.

Assign configuration set

In the sales channel settings in the Theme (1) tab you can change the theme of your sales channel.

To do this, click on the button Change Theme (2) and select the installed theme in the popup. If you are using a preconfigured template, please select the template you want to use.


You can find our update instructions under UPDATE GUIDES > Child-Theme Update.

Configuration inheritance

The child theme contains preset configuration values of the theme configuration according to its respective demo template.

Inheritance order

From version 1.1.1 of our child themes, they are now loaded in inheritance order after all plugins / apps. So you have the possibility to make the compatibility between plugins / apps and themes and overwrite everything.

The order in the views section is crucial for the loading order. The src/Resources/theme.json now looks like this in the views section:

"views": [

(The values in the square brackets are placeholders for the names and numbers of the respective child theme.)

Last updated