Custom Fields export/import

Some configurations from our theme can be specifically adjusted using custom fields. Therefore, it might be important for you to export/import these data/settings. In this example, we'll assume you want to export/import your products along with the associated custom fields.

To do this, first navigate to the settings (1) and click on Import/Export (2).

Custom fields are not included in the default profile for products. Therefore, you need to create a new profile first by going to the Profiles tab (1). Here, all available profiles are listed. Standard profiles from Shopware cannot be edited. So, click on Add new profile (2).

A pop-up will appear. First, choose a profile name and a technical name (1 and 2). For the object type (3), select "Product" in this example. The field indicators (4) determine how the data in your exported CSV file will be separated and what the delimiters should look like in your imported file. Then, click Next (5).

In the next step, you have the option to automatically prepare the data mapping from an existing CSV file. This can be useful for larger import/export datasets. In this example, however, the mapping will be done manually in the following step. So, skip this step for now.

In the final step, we define the data mapping. Here, you link the CSV name (the name of the column in the CSV file) with the database entry. Some entries are pre-selected and should not be deleted, as the import will not work otherwise. You can add a new entry by clicking the Add new mapping button (1).

In the CSV name field (2), enter the name of the column in the CSV file. The Database entry field (3) is important. In this field, paste the following value: translations.DEFAULT.customFields. A dropdown arrow will appear, allowing you to select from all the product-related custom fields in your shop. Zenit Custom fields are prefixed with zenit_[THEMENAME]_.

Warning: By using translations.DEFAULT.customFields, you will export the content of the custom field in the default language of your shop. To export a specific language, replace DEFAULT with the ISO code (e.g., translations.en-GB.customFields).

Save the profile afterward. The profile will now be available for selection in the Import/Export module.

Available Zenit custom fields

Below you will find an overview of which theme add-on fields you refer to by their technical names.

Product Zenit custom fields

Category Zenit custom fields

CMS Block Zenit custom fields

Last updated