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The pagination of the listing has, in addition to the usual colors, colors for the different states: :hover, :active and :disabled.
Tip: The values of the fields can be SCSS functions:
hsl(hue($sw-border-color), saturation($sw-border-color), 89%)
Here the color is defined per hsl format. The color angle and saturation of the border color are combined with a brightness of 89%.
The Appearance (1) of pagination can be represented as pills
and standard
. Elements defined as pills
have a distance to each other.
The option Hide disabled buttons (3) hides the unnecessary disabled buttons, since they are not clickable anyway. For example, if you are on page 1, the buttons for "first page" and "page forward" are superfluous.
The roundings of the pills result from the button radius from the general settings tab. For round pills your buttons must be set to round.